Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Get Down on Your Knees and Beg for My Mercy! Pray the Holy Rosary
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on February 27, 2023

A thunderstorm will now break strong, do not stay away from Me.
I command you:
Get down on your knees and beg for My Mercy! Pray the holy Rosary. Place yourselves in a state of grace. Worship me! Leave the world and head for Me; I alone can save you, O men! Abandon what is superfluous to your salvation; grasp within you the weapon of constant prayer. Behold, the foretold times have come!
This Humanity will suffer for not having listened to My Fatherly Appeals, and for not having returned to Me asking for My Forgiveness.
It is no longer time to chase after the things of the world: convert O men, convert!!!
America is to go through its ordeal.
The Earth will shake more strongly.
The sky will darken, hail will strike the Earth.
Fire and disasters!
Asteroids coming toward Earth!
Pray, My Children, fast, do penance, call Me to your rescue: I am your Father, your only Good: I am your God Love, the Creator!
I love you My children and am waiting to hear your cry for help so I can intervene!
Do not be proud or men, alone you cannot do it, only I AM!!!
It is the voice of your God still calling you to salvation; His Fatherly love pleads with you to repent, now! Now, O men, now!!!
Believe in Me, My children, return to Me before the hurricane breaks out, for then it will be difficult for you to be saved.
My Angel sounds the horn (the shofar) to call men back to the gathering.
Let conversion take place in your hearts, O men, that I may place you in a place of safety.
My Shelters are ready to receive My Children: only there will they find shelter and comfort; only in My Shelters will they be protected by My Angels.
Watch My Children, the time of the great tribulation has come; let not the error of falling into it be in you.
Untie yourselves from the bonds of death and run to Me, give Me the chance to save you.
Enough! Heaven opens to the descent of the Son of Man!
You will see He who can do all things, renew the Earth. Amen!
Source: ➥